The dignity of Human life is something that God does not take for granted and neither should we.

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Why I am a racist

Since the old British adage that, "Americans have never spoken english" is now demonstrably true (Just wait for someone to aks you a question) I will go ahead and utilize a word which most of the world misunderstands and admit that I am a racist. Well, in truth I suppose a more accurate description might be "speciesist", but since the aforementioned word does not exist, racist must do. I am a racist because when all races (or species) are line up side by side - I choose the human race every time. Beavers are neat, badgers interesting, hedgehogs are cute, but I cannot get around the fact that God endowed my species with gifts no other race has. In case you were wondering, swerving into my lane while talking on your cell phone isn't one of them.

I bring up this topic, one - because the vampires seem to show an interest in it and two, because I intend to vote for a racist for President in the November election. Sadly, Barack Obama is not a racist. How may I make such a claim? His Senate voting record proves he has denigrated his race to somewhere below sea turtle. In his own words, speaking to the National Abortion Rights action league (NARAL), Senator Obama said,

"A woman's ability to decide how many children to have and when, without interference from the government, is one of the most fundamental rights we possess. It is not just an issue of choice, but equality and opportunity for all women."

In Barack Obama's world, society has no right to put pressure on a young black girl not to have 5 children by the age of 16. He also somehow equates this position with opportunity? Must all illiterate young women of our race be permitted to have as many illegitimate children as they can pop out?

The Heritage foundation conducted a study in which they set out to determine what major decisions one makes would guarantee a life of poverty or guarantee that one would not live in poverty. This study boiled life's major decisions to 2 things. To whit:

1. If a young woman has a child before the age of 18, she virtually guarantees herself and her child a life of poverty

2. If a young woman does not graduate from high school, she guarantees herself and any of her progeny a life of poverty.

If, however this same young woman waits until after age 21 and will graduate from High School, she virtually guarantees herself that she will not live in poverty.

Apparently, Senator Obama thinks that societal or governmental influence in this decision is tantamount to a crime.

"I have consistently advocated for reproductive choice and will make preserving women's rights under Roe v. Wade a priority as President. I oppose any constitutional amendment to overturn the Supreme Court's ruling in this case."

Even vampires understand that "reproductive choice" is a euphamism for abortion. Not wanting to overturn Roe v. Wade means Obama is a horrible lawyer or at least a lawyer who has no concern for law. Even if you are not a racist and could care less if pre-born children are murdered, you should tear your hair out when people speak of upholding a decision that everyone knows was the worst form of policitcal plagiarism the High Court has ever committed.

Another euphamism of the pro-abortion crowd is "reproductive service provider". This statement refers to an abortionist. Abortionists are those whom I most pity, for I cannot imagine the judgment they will receive at the end of the world. We have a sense of judgment in other capital crimes, for example, in Texas this month, the State is set to execute a man who murdered his female neighbor after raping her. We can sense that his judgment here is deserved and perhaps even think about how he may be judged by God. But what about the Abortionist who has killed hundreds of pre-born babies?

The vampires are almost ready for their evening chat (the sun is now setting) so I must sign off. But I want to reiterate that I am a racist of the first water - a determined advocate of my race above all others. I say, "Menscheit, Menscheit uber alles! "

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Guys named Bunyan

As a child, I delighted in reading the tales of Paul Bunyan and his great blue ox, Babe. The territories of the west, filled with trees were laid clear all in a day under the swath of his mighty axe. Now that I am old and broken down, I find that another Bunyan gives me joy - only this one actually exists. His name is John and he once led a life most of us cannot imagine. John Bunyan was born an Englishman to a cruel father and poorly prepared mother. At an early age, John turned to the sea and began learning the arts and crafts of a sailor. Like many young men (myself included) John's naval exploits lent themselves to the darker side of life and he eventually fell in with slave traders traveling from Africa to the West Indies. In the early 17th century there was a great deal of money to be made in slavery and John trafficked many years in that deadly trade. Several times he was shipwrecked and once he even fell under the power of an African Queen who held him hostage on an island.

There were still Preachers of God's word during this time who warned men like John that their lives were accountable to God and no one ignores His terrible wrath forever. John ignored this message until one day it struck him as a harpoon might strike a breaching whale. Pierced through to his soul, John gave up his life of evil and composed one of the greatest songs in human history - Amazing Grace. Once a pirate and slaver, John Bunyan became a crier of warning to others such as he who faced the wrath of God, either in this life or the next.

John wrote, "Friend, because it is a dangerous thing to be walking towards the lace of darkness and anguish; and again, because it is (notwithstanding) the journey that most of the poor souls in the world are taking, and that with delight and gladness, as if THERE was the only happiness to be found, I have therefore thought it my duty, being made sensible of the danger that will befal those that fall therein, for the preventing of thee, O thou poor man or woman! to tell thee, by opening this parable, what sad success those souls have had, and are also like to have, that have been, or shall be found persevering therein.
We use to count him a friend that will forewarn his neighbour of the danger, when he knoweth thereof, and doth also see that the way his neighbour is walking in doth lead right thereto, especially when we think that our neighbour may be either ignorant or careless of his way. Why friend, it may be, nay twenty to one, but thou hast been, ever since thou didst come into the world, with thy back towards heaven, and thy face towards hell; and thou, it may be, either through ignorance or carelessness, which is as bad, if not worse, hast been running full hastily that way ever since. Why friend? I beseech thee put a little stop to thy earnest race, and take a view of what entertainment thou art like to have, if thou do in deed and in truth persist in this thy course. "

What course might you be on? If you aren't sure, may I suggest you take some time and find out? All of the pleasure in the world means nothing to the dying soul wracked in pain suffering from malignant cancer, or the bereaved family whose father has just perished at the hands of a drunken driver.

Jesus Christ once said, "I am the way, the truth and the life". He demonstrated the veracity of His statement by getting up from the dead. No one else has ever done this. There are so many things of which our world is ignorant of today - don't let your eternal destiny be one of them.

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Impending world doom?

Since this is the world's most widely read blog as reported in Vampire's weekly, I thought I would outline a scenario for the end of the world - soon. No, I haven't been reading those pillars of Baptist theology, Tim Lahaye and Jerry Jenkins. But I have been reading the world's commodity output figgers and have been keeping an eye on something called the "peak oil production". Peak oil production is the maximum amount of oil the world can produce. Rather like measuring the maximum amount of juice which can be squeezed from an orange, once the peak production of crude oil is hit, it will take drastic and dramatic global measures to fix it.

It appears that the world has reached peak oil production. According to the U.S. Dept. of Energy the peak output for crude oil in the world is approx. 85 million barrels per day. Today, the world uses nearly 89 million barrels of oil per day. In other words, all of the oil being produced from crude in the world is already being used. Yet, most economies are growing.

The DOE also suggests that China by itself will require 89 million barrels per day by 2018. In other words, China will likely use all of the world's current production capacity. What about everyone else?

Can you say war, children?

I'm no prophet (heck, i'm not even a profit), but it doesn't take a degree in education (yes, that's a joke) to see that if one country needs all of the world's supply of produced oil, and they can't get it, then something drastic must happen.

WHat is this "something"? Could China make a deal with Russia to capture the oil fields of Iraq, Iran, Egypt because America has become a non-entity and has a weak President who enjoys negotiating with foreign heads of state?

Could Russia finally use this as an excuse to rid the world of those nasty Jews?

I don't know what Russia or China will do. What I will do is make sure my family and I are not slaves to crude oil. My next car will hopefully run on electrons or perhaps even air. My next house will hopefully be powered by a huge ball of gas, (no, not Ted Kennedy or Rush Limbaugh)and much of my food will hopefully come from my backyard garden. I won't pay $6 a gallon for gas, much less the $10-$12 predicted by the global shortage. I'm not for killing all the forests so that obese soccer moms can shuttle their kids to practice in monstrous metal machines. I'm not for grading all of Nevada into a plain so that we can harvest crude from the shale in their mountains.

If we could harvest a portion of the methane emanating from Washington, D.C. we could fuel every aspect of American life, but sadly congress won't bend over. At least not for the American people. But I figure if enough of us begin to ignore both government and the oil interests, perhaps - just perhaps we can avert a global meltdown and still buy lead-laced toys from our pals in Beijing. Oh, yeah and don't forget the cavier from our druzya in Moscow!

Saturday, March 08, 2008

John McCain, Boeing and American Decline

Francis Schaeffer once told a reporter that it was a "terrible" thing to see one's country decline so rapidly during one's lifetime. It never occurred to me that I might live to see another period in our history like the 1970's when Jimmy Carter's administration crushed what was already a fragile economy and people waited in gas lines and built homebrew ethanol stations to survive the cost of gasoline.

I thought the 1970's marked a new and final low in the chapter of American decline, but sadly I was wrong. It appears that America is headed for a new decline: one from which we may never recover. This new decline is brought about by an odd combination of ultranationalist empire builders like George Bush and Donald Rumsfeld coupled with the ultraegalitarianism of bankers and what is very likely the most incompetent congress in the history of our nation.

In a nutshell, the Executive branch has stretched our military to the breaking point and embedded our nation in generations-long conflicts in several countries (not just Iraq, but Afghanistan, Georgia, Kyrgyzstan and even now with AFRICOM - somewhere in Africa). The bankers have plundered a gullible and selfish American population in a mortgage-back securities scam that dwarfs the junk bond scandal of Milken and friends. All the while, the congress spends its time in sycophantic interviews with baseball players, ignorant that the executive branch is usurping even more of their Constitutionally-derived power.

What does this have to do with Boeing and John McCain? Well, the current flap over a contract granted to EADS to supply the U.S. Airforce with tankers is sympomatic of the American decline I mentioned earlier. Initially, Boeing was let this contract without a bid, which suited the Congress because they wouldn't be forced to worry about all those nastly legal, contractual terms and the possibility of having to actually discuss national security escaped them.

Along came John McCain, who for all of his faults is as honest as the day is long. Senator McCain noticed that the executives at Boeing seemed to be spending alot of time with a woman at the Air Force department. He also noticed that the amount of money they agreed to build the aircraft for and the amount they were receiving were grossly disparate - in his words, nearly $6 thousand million worth. So, Senator McCain investigated Boeing and uncovered a contract-padding scam which sent a Boeing executive and an Air Force executive to the Federal hooscow for a brief interlude (probably until they could prepare for a congressional campaign). So, McCain became somewhat of a hero, trumpeting his pork-sniffing aptitude and crowing about how he successfully saved the taxpayers lots of money, which he truthfully did.

Fast forward a bit, remembering that the Air Force is still in need of a gas station that flies. Only now, they cannot dole out contracts based upon Shrimp Cocktails and pajama parties, they have to actually send out an RFP (Request for proposal) to qualified entities. Because France, England, Germany, Japan (and China) are given special status by our government, they were qualified to submit a bid for this RFP. France was the only nation with the capability to submit a bid, through its European subsidiary AirBus, who has a military branch called EADS.

When the Air Force reviewed the proposals from Boeing and EADS, there apparently was no comparison and EADS won. This is grating to some in Seattle (home of Boeing) because their company actually helped the government write the specifications for the new plane!

There will be much political hand-wringing and the infantiles in Congress will hold hearings so they can tell their constituents they worked hard "for America", but the truth is that the Air Force actually did the right thing. The RAF and the French use the EADS tanker and I am glad that we will too.

Finally, the American decline portion of this story comes from the fact that Boeing was so greedy and stupid that it blew a free, no-bid deal for more than $40 billion. This is analagous to the few hurricane Katrina evacuees who robbed markets in Houston while they were receiving Federal aid from FEMA.

America, my country, has become a fat, lazy cow which has grown tired of chewing its own grass and has wandered into a neighboring field, wherein lies a poisonous weed (egalitarianism).
We have feasted off of this weed and are now feeling its ill effects. We should thank McCain and those who worked to bring us the best deal. And if Boeing cared a bit about the country that has given it so much, they would begin to demand quality from their executives and workers and be prepared for the next contract. For those who are myopically bent on French-bashing, please try and remember your first grade history lesson. If it were not for the French, America would still be an English colony.

Friday, February 01, 2008

Wesley Snipes and American freedom

I am not a fan of Wesley Snipes. I have seen 15 minutes of "Blade" and his acting reminded me that "Babe" should have won an Oscar. Having said that, I am glad he and his legal team defeated the IRS today in its fraud case against him.
Because, in my view the U.S. government has grown like a cancer to encompass nearly all of American life and I am glad when a citizen beats back the growth of the monolithic monster.

Did Mr. Snipes' celebrity help him? Sure. So did his race. Sadly, his pocketbook also saved him because he was able to buy the services of the best lawyers, which means that you or I would have been convicted on all counts because our lawyer would have farted like a pack mule during the closing arguments.

How does this affect you and I? As soon as I become an African-American film star I plan to stop paying all taxes!

Friday, January 04, 2008

Haven't we had enough of American non-healthcare?

I was going to begin this post by saying something like, "I hate to pile on", but in reality I do not and so I won't. American healthcare sucks. It is NOT the best in the world. How can I say this?
Here's just 2 examples from this week:

A friend whose parents are uninsured called me to ask for prayer in part because his father who experienced multiple-organ failure could not be admitted to a transplant hospital until a deposit of $225,000 was made. No this isn't a typographical error - St. Luke's Hospital in Houston wanted $250,000 to admit my friend's father. He is currently at the county hospital (Ben Taub) and may die there because America which spends more than $10 billion per month building our empire in Iraq won't help a dying man without making huge profits.

Example number 2 is a woman who came to my house incredibly thankful that we had a used nebulizer for her daughter. We inherited it when a friend died earlier this year. She was thankful because although she has health insurance, it won't pay for things that are "non-essential" like nebulizers.

As an American, I am not accustomed to blindly accepting stupidity when I see it. Years ago, when stupidity reigned in the telecom industry, some other chaps and I saw it and did something about it and I can proudly say I was part of a revolution which brought about low calling rates and ubiquitous service around the world. I am itching to try the same thing with healthcare.

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