The dignity of Human life is something that God does not take for granted and neither should we.

Saturday, July 15, 2006

How God blessed me today - July 15, 2006

I woke up again! Lest you think that I am abusing this statement as a blessing - please think again. Scripture commands us to, "Therefore know this day, and consider it in your heart, that the LORD Himself is God in heaven above and on the earth beneath; there is no other." And yes, for those of you who unlearned the eternity of Christ at your local theological cemetary, I do know the context within which this verse was spoken. We are to consider each day and know that God is in charge of it. I am thankful for yet another.

I got to have a free brunch with some friends who are apartment missionaries in a community nearby. (I am what is known as a food freeloader). I also got to serve some people and make waffles!

I got to talk with Raja who is from Pakistan. He is going to high school here and I have shared with him my experiences in Pakistan. Hopefully he will learn to follow Christ soon.

I got to eat some yummy cake and free pizza!!

My friend gave me a gas-powered weed eater. Previously, he gave me a leaf blower and a mulching lawn mower. No, I didn't ask- he asked me. I do not look for opportunities to do yard work.

I got another huge cucumber from my garden.

Yesterday I suddenly developed some terrible intestinal cramping and the accompanying bathroom-related symptoms. Today, I am munching cake and pizza!!!

Today while workin on my physics lab, I listened to a lecture from Richard Feynman. While he was wrong about God (I hope he changed his mind before he died!) he was brilliant and explains the nature of photons and particle theory better than anyone. You can listen to his lectures here:

If you can read this - you were blessed by God today. Have you thanked Him?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

since you are some kind of jesus freak...wouldn't you be more blessed if you didnt wake up? I mean..if you were dead, then you would be in heaven; if there is such a place.
So with that thought...after you woke up and discovered you were not dead...shouldn't you be thankful, not that you woke up, but since you did wake up that you have the things you have?