The dignity of Human life is something that God does not take for granted and neither should we.

Sunday, October 16, 2005

Do people REALLY understand what is happening in Iraq?

Whether one is a fan of George W. Bush or not, what is taking place in Iraq must be looked upon with an indifferent, historical eye - not one tainted by political fervor. Voting is taking place in Iraq. Now in America, where voting is looked upon as a nuisance, especially if one is a politician, casting a vote in Iraq makes one think of other blase' events like mowing the lawn or picking up one's mail. It is not. Iraq has NEVER in its history, held a vote. Since its inception in 1920, Iraq has been ruled, but never governed.

This morning in a newspaper, I saw a photograph of a woman voting in the current election. Having lived in an traveled about the Muslim world, this is an incredible feat. It would be foolish at best and deadly at worst for us to miss the significance of this. Under Shariya Islamic law, women have no rights. Apologies in advance for the "pro-Islam" folks who will email me disagreeing, but I have read the Quran and have lived in and traveled about the middle east. Women have no rights under the strict interpretation given to the Quran by the theocracies in most Islamic countries. Yes, there are exceptions (Yemen is one, Pakistan in changing) but by and large, women do not express opinions or vote in elections. In a new Iraq, (as in a new Afghanistan) women will not only express their opinion, but will be a part of government.

Was it worth it? That is a question I cannot answer. The humanistic part of me (what the bible calls the "Sin nature") believes that if Iraq was such a threat, a squadron of B1-B bombers could have taken care of the entire country in less than a day and there would be no insurgency. The Christian part of me ( the part I hope governs my life and actions) has seen the dramatic suffering in the middle east and wishes that Saddam could have been persuaded to go and live in San Francisco with the rest of the illuminati and a transition to democratic government could have happened peacefully. Neither has been the case so we now have what is commonly seen as a "difficulty". The average man or woman on the street in Baghdad wants nothing more than to live life with the hope of peace and some measure of prosperity. This was of course, impossible under a dictatorship, but will now be possible because of a new government. But will it be reality?

We need to pray fervently that it will be.

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