The dignity of Human life is something that God does not take for granted and neither should we.

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Why I am a racist

Since the old British adage that, "Americans have never spoken english" is now demonstrably true (Just wait for someone to aks you a question) I will go ahead and utilize a word which most of the world misunderstands and admit that I am a racist. Well, in truth I suppose a more accurate description might be "speciesist", but since the aforementioned word does not exist, racist must do. I am a racist because when all races (or species) are line up side by side - I choose the human race every time. Beavers are neat, badgers interesting, hedgehogs are cute, but I cannot get around the fact that God endowed my species with gifts no other race has. In case you were wondering, swerving into my lane while talking on your cell phone isn't one of them.

I bring up this topic, one - because the vampires seem to show an interest in it and two, because I intend to vote for a racist for President in the November election. Sadly, Barack Obama is not a racist. How may I make such a claim? His Senate voting record proves he has denigrated his race to somewhere below sea turtle. In his own words, speaking to the National Abortion Rights action league (NARAL), Senator Obama said,

"A woman's ability to decide how many children to have and when, without interference from the government, is one of the most fundamental rights we possess. It is not just an issue of choice, but equality and opportunity for all women."

In Barack Obama's world, society has no right to put pressure on a young black girl not to have 5 children by the age of 16. He also somehow equates this position with opportunity? Must all illiterate young women of our race be permitted to have as many illegitimate children as they can pop out?

The Heritage foundation conducted a study in which they set out to determine what major decisions one makes would guarantee a life of poverty or guarantee that one would not live in poverty. This study boiled life's major decisions to 2 things. To whit:

1. If a young woman has a child before the age of 18, she virtually guarantees herself and her child a life of poverty

2. If a young woman does not graduate from high school, she guarantees herself and any of her progeny a life of poverty.

If, however this same young woman waits until after age 21 and will graduate from High School, she virtually guarantees herself that she will not live in poverty.

Apparently, Senator Obama thinks that societal or governmental influence in this decision is tantamount to a crime.

"I have consistently advocated for reproductive choice and will make preserving women's rights under Roe v. Wade a priority as President. I oppose any constitutional amendment to overturn the Supreme Court's ruling in this case."

Even vampires understand that "reproductive choice" is a euphamism for abortion. Not wanting to overturn Roe v. Wade means Obama is a horrible lawyer or at least a lawyer who has no concern for law. Even if you are not a racist and could care less if pre-born children are murdered, you should tear your hair out when people speak of upholding a decision that everyone knows was the worst form of policitcal plagiarism the High Court has ever committed.

Another euphamism of the pro-abortion crowd is "reproductive service provider". This statement refers to an abortionist. Abortionists are those whom I most pity, for I cannot imagine the judgment they will receive at the end of the world. We have a sense of judgment in other capital crimes, for example, in Texas this month, the State is set to execute a man who murdered his female neighbor after raping her. We can sense that his judgment here is deserved and perhaps even think about how he may be judged by God. But what about the Abortionist who has killed hundreds of pre-born babies?

The vampires are almost ready for their evening chat (the sun is now setting) so I must sign off. But I want to reiterate that I am a racist of the first water - a determined advocate of my race above all others. I say, "Menscheit, Menscheit uber alles! "

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

hello... hapi blogging... have a nice day! just visiting here....