The dignity of Human life is something that God does not take for granted and neither should we.

Thursday, July 13, 2006

How God blessed me today - July 13, 2006

God blessed me today because:

1. I woke up again!
2. I didn't have to go to trial, for something I didn't do! (passing a loading schoolbus)
3. I got to spend 5 hours with some mega-rowdy special needs kids. My kid o' the day was Andres, a 12 year old with down's syndrome and genetic diabetes. He was non-stop energy and beligerence and unfortunately, he had to go to "time out" for 5 minutes. The really funny part was, that he was crying the biggest fake cry on earth and then I asked, "Are you hungry" and immediately he stopped crying and plainly said, "yep!" Everyone laughed.

4. I got to pet a wallaby and a baby deer and a not-yet-smelly pig.
5. I learned that Hulk Hogan is 52.
6. I met with Prof. France Brown at CBS and had a neat discussion about grading papers.
7. I got to talk with my pal Wendell Smith. Wendell once lived under a bridge and he isn't a billy-goat. He was a homeless drug addict. Now Wendell is half-way through a bachelor's degree at America's best bible college

8. I got to talk to my brother
9. I got to pray for a man I knew who was at the gym a week ago and passed out. His family will be signing a DNR order for him as his brain electrochemical function is zero. This is a direct testimony that you had better know where your eternal reservations are and have your ticket in hand because all tickets to eternity are one-way and non-refundable. Do you know where you will spend eternity? Are you absolutely sure? If someone were to place a revolver between your eyes and say, see you in eternity, sucka, would you be terrified or just frightened? (Terrified is when you don't know what will happen next)

10. I got a free lunch of a yummy sandwich.
11. I was able to put gas into my car.
12. I have a car! Which by the way was given to me by God. "How on earth could God give you a car" you say? Well, I had no car, and then my wife and I prayed and asked God if we could have one, and then shortly thereafter someone called and said, "I don't know why, but I just want to give you my car." This person graciously gave us his car - and I'm not even sure he believes in God. I hope he does.
13. I was able to listen to a pretty cool sermon by Neil McClendon of Grand Parkway former Baptist church, now Elder led, or something like that. I vicariously know Neil through my brother Terry.

14. I have been invited to a video game tournament at the luxurious home of a Houston welathy person. I don't know if I can go, but this will be the bomb = tons of networked XBOX 360's playing in team matches on big screens, with unlimited refreshments.

15. I learned that my friend Carol's son Chris is away visiting and she has some time to herself. This is important because Chris is an adult with CP (he is a BIG adult) and it takes alot out of his mom to care for him.

Remember, you too can receive God's blessings - but you have to know Him first. You know Him by believing in His Son, Jesus Christ. That's it - no religion, no ceremony, no fanfare necessary - just true belief.


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