The dignity of Human life is something that God does not take for granted and neither should we.

Thursday, August 24, 2006

How God blessed me today - August 24th, 2006

Well, as usual I have missed quite a few days since my last post. I get so busy with other stuff that I forget to write. Well, here's what's happened since last time:

God has blessed me by not allowing me to become very sick. Houston, Texas has arguably the worst air quality in North America and this fact, in combination with my poor immune system is a recipe for disaster. I have been sick, but not to the extent I have in the past and my family has been very healthy. This is a great blessing and one I hope to never take for granted.

God got me through the MCAT. I have no idea what my grade will be, but I do know that I didn't sleep at all the night before and I didn't eat anything except 2 appled and a banana during the 8 hour exam. It was the toughest academic thing I have done with the possible exception of completing Physics II. But God got me through it and for that I am very thankful. He even allowed me to encourage a young woman from Lousyana who was discouraged because her school (Tulane) had been flooded and things were chaotic.

God has also allowed me to register for classes and has made a way for me to get my books for this semester. He also allowed for my professors to write LOR's for me so I can complete my med school applications next week.

I got an email from my friend Samantha who is in med school in the Caribbean. She reminded me that I need to be encouraged in Christ.

Won't you let God bless you this week? I am not talking only about finances, although that is a tangible way God blesses. But ask Him to allow you to serve Him in a unique way. Ask Him to provide an opportunity for you to introduce someone to Him.

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