The dignity of Human life is something that God does not take for granted and neither should we.

Monday, September 11, 2006

The Texas Gubenatorial election

Folks, God is still blessing me, but I have decided to devote this issue to a pressing earthbound need - leadership. To put it mildly, in Texas, there ain't any.

For those of us who have are conservatives, we are in a real quandry, which is why I have decided to vote for Kinky Friedman.

I would like to list all of Rick Perry's accomplishments here, but unfortunately, there aren't any. Texas lags almost every state in education, (we have a pre-prison system for a Houston school district), our taxes are out of control (my dad recently moved from Texas to Georgia because of property taxes. In Georgia, he pays less with both property and income taxes).

We have no healthcare initiatives in Texas. The only thing we are proud of is that individual small businesses can't pool together to buy group insurance.

Our cities are rapidly becoming Mexican. This isn't racism - my family is Hispanic. But Rick Perry has done absolutely nothing to stop the flow of illegals into our state.

If one looks at his democratic challenger, one would have to check one's brain at the door to vote for "one tough grandma". We had a grandma a few years back and have barely recovered from her tenure to date.

So check out Kinky. I am an evangelical Christian, and yes, he has insulted Jesus. He has also quoted the gospel of John, more sincerely than most I have heard. Regarding his eternal soul, I hope Kinky learns that Jesus is the one way to heaven. Regarding the state of Texas, I hope Kinky becomes our next governor.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Apparently you just like to single out mexicans as the problem...I suppose the Hispanics are cleaner. People like you make me sick. Immigration may be a problem, but I guess it only matters that you got here first. I'll bet the majority of people hiring mexicans are white people, so who is the real problem? White Folk